Monday, May 9, 2011

Farewell !!!

Four years have passed and we hardly felt them go by.
i did though.
mostly because i spent most of these past 4 years cursing myself for coming here while i could've been in a hundred other places. where, i believe, that i'd have been happier and better off.

but to be honest, when i sit down n think about it, i will miss this place, AND the people i've come to know in my time here.

my first 12-14 months will be by far my most memorable.
i met a couple of crazy guys, just like me. met a girl, crushed on her, got my heart broken, bonded with my brothers in crime, built a couple of robots, one of which sucked n the one which was too good for its own good. then i fell in love with the most amazing girl i've known. went home after a long 3 years, partied like a rock star. got into fights n then came back. that's when things started changing. some for the better, but mostly for the worse.

its been a while since then. n a lot of things have changed.
n this may not be the way i'd like things to be.
but for what it's worth, as long as i live those memories will forever be etched into the deepest recesses my mind.

goodbye class of '07. i'll miss you.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I saw you today, standing by yourself,
in the distance, watching me.

I saw you today, hiding in the clouds,
as the rain poured, and  to the bone, drenched me.

I felt you smile, thinking about me.
wondering, if you were here, what life would be.

i realize then that its all too good to be true.
a mirage in the desert.

i'd like things to be the way they were before. but i don't think that's gonna happen.
n i'm not going to pretend that everything's going to be alright.
i'm not strong enough to make it all work.
and i just can't move on.
believe me. i've tried. i need help.
for now i'm holding on. but barely by a thread.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Exams Suck!

i hate exams, i ABSOLUTELY HATE exams.... i mean, who doesn't???

the only difference is that people usually hate exams because of all the tension and mental stress they have to go through to cram endless amounts of information into their ordinary brains in a seemingly infinitesimal amount of time....

I, on the other hand hate exams for other, unorthodox reasons....

for example
any time you have something to say there's no one to listen....
i mean.... SERIOUSLY.... is it impossible to take out TWO LOUSY MINUTES out of your hectic study schedules to say "hi, how are you today??" or, "i'm going out for a cup o' tea.... wanna join me???"


well.... I've learnt one thing from all this....
so watch out for yourselves.... coz there almost definitely isn't gonna be anyone to catch you when you fall....


hello all  u wondeful people out there n welcome to blah! blah! blah! where we'll be talking (well, at least i will) about just about anything and everything under the yellow sun....

n when i say anything i mean ANYTHING.... from the weather to engineering to current affairs, business, politics and the latest tech. ....

so feel free to post your own views and comments....

criticism and arguements arent actually welcome as such but whatever.... :P

so.... once again, welcome to the world of blah!!!

see y'all soon.... :)